Our Programs
Our programs, services and supports help create a brighter future for people with Down syndrome.

Up! UP! And Away is specially curated for kids and teens with Down syndrome and intellectual disability.
This program is designed to promote active engagement and offers enriching experiences through a series of capacity-building workshops.
Additionally, we have integrated mental wellbeing workshops to ensure holistic development and emotional support for all participants.

A Service Agreement and Schedule of Supports is ESSENTIAL to attend this event.
Have you have completed a Service Agreement and Schedule of Supports for your loved one with Down syndrome?
You can complete them by clicking the forms linked to the right.
School Holiday Program - APRIL 2024

For event and program inquiries, please contact our Social Programs team socialprograms@downsyndromensw.org.au
Read more about how you can make a difference as a volunteer at Down Syndrome NSW.
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