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Could provide our Medical Professionals Pack full of up to date information, growth charts and research which results in improved awareness, early intervention and overall education of Down Syndrome within the health care community.
Could provide our New Baby Welcome Kit, providing parents with new babies educational information about Down Syndrome as well as precious gifts for their new baby.
Could provide a Hospital or Home Visit from a member of our team with lived experience to a new born and their parents. This visit is invaluable in educating new parents and connecting them with vital health care services.
Could provide free access for one family to our New Babies Day where we engage early intervention experts to share information as well as connect families in this important stage of life. We play, talk, laugh and nurture.

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Become a UPside Hero

Your generosity will help us create a more inclusive society, provide essential support, and empower individuals with Down syndrome to reach their full potential.

Down syndrome NSW new south wales

By making your donation a regular contribution, you join a committed group of supporters who fuel our mission every day. Your recurring gift ensures stability and allows us to plan for the future, ensuring that our programs and services can continue to grow and reach more individuals in need. 

Click on the weekly or monthly tab when making your donation to join today. 

Your Impact

Our programs are directly shaped by the invaluable feedback of our members, reflecting their real-life experiences and needs.  

By contributing to our cause, you ensure the continuity of these essential programs, which are designed to enhance the daily lives of individuals with Down syndrome and their families.  

Your donation directly fuels our commitment to improving lives and fostering a supportive community. 

Did you know?

  • The termination rate of pregnancies with a Down syndrome diagnosis is estimated to be as high as 90%.
  • Only 8% of individuals with Down syndrome are employed.
  • 46% of woman with a cognitive disability have expeirenced sexual violence.

Congratulations Initiative

Were you aware that the termination rate of pregnancies with a diagnosis of Down syndrome is estimated to be as high as 90% in our country? 

Respecting the sacred choice of families is paramount, as it is fundamental to the realisation of their inherent human rights, particularly the right to make informed choices. 

However, Down Syndrome NSW has heard from its members that they often receive outdated information, face relentless pressure to terminate, and encounter discussions that focus more on limitations than possibilities during such a delicate time. 

This is precisely why Down Syndrome NSW introduced the Congratulations Initiative.

The Congratulations Initiative aims at educating medical professionals in their delivering a diagnosis, providing up to date information about Down syndrome through our Medical Professionals Packs, linking Down Syndrome NSW as key support partner and most importantly saying congratulations not sorry. 

This program also aims to offer parents guidance and assistance, drawing from the firsthand experience of a parent who has lived experience.

Read Amelia's Story

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Lucy recalled the moment they received the results from a Genetic Counsellor, who shared the news as if it was a devastating, terrible outcome. Instead of saying congratulations to the expectant parents, the medical staff said they were sorry - “I remember thinking my baby isn’t dying, why is everyone so sorry?”  

Instead of providing useful, accurate and up-to-date information, the Genetic Counsellor went on to describe what they should expect of a baby with Down syndrome, stating that the baby would have moderate intellectual disability and describing physical features including small ears and stature. It all sounded like a warning. 

Inclusive Education

Down Syndrome NSW provides a comprehensive Primary and Secondary School Support Program, designed to benefit both mainstream and special schools. The program's core objectives are to strengthen the capacity of schoolteachers, principals, and SLSOs (School Learning Support Officers) and to foster strong connections among key stakeholders, including families, therapists, and behavior support specialists, all with a focus on putting the student at the center. 

Read Ben's Story

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Ben’s experience of Inclusive Education in high school has been a work in progress, with a combination of one-on-one classes in learning support and engaging in mainstream for music, drama, assembly, house and mentor groups and swimming.

Now in Year 9, Ben has chosen music and drama for his electives and loves these subjects. He is fortunate to train at the amazing pool the school has and use their gym with his physio. The teachers in learning support are very dedicated, caring and patient – ensuring Ben is best positioned for an enjoyable and meaningful school experience.

For Ben’s parents, a core component of Inclusive Education has involved collaboration and openness with his school. Since Ben started High School, his school has been part of planning meetings with Ben’s parents and therapists to help determine his goals each term, making adjustments to the curriculum and providing support where required. They welcome input, observations and visits from specialists, willing to adapt to suit Ben’s needs.

Employment Connections

Did you know only 8% of individuals with Down syndrome are employed, in stark contrast to the 76% employment rate among those without Down syndrome. This disparity is what led Down Syndrome NSW to create Employment Connections. With Employment Connections, Down Syndrome NSW seeks to create lasting and meaningful job opportunities for adults with Down syndrome.

This initiative aims to empower them to live satisfying lives and make valuable contributions in their workplaces. By collaborating with employers, Down Syndrome NSW aim to cultivate a future that embraces diversity and offers equal success opportunities for everyone.

Read Ellen's Story

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After successfully completing her studies, Ellen wanted to find a workplace where she could follow her interests in health and fitness and utilise all her skills and knowledge. With the help of Down Sydnrome NSW Employment Connections, Ellen secured an exciting job opportunity with the Sydney Swan’s women’s team  

Today, Ellen enjoys interacting with the Sydney Swans players, coaching staff and people in the office, helping pack and unload the van at training sessions, setting up the field and overall being a vital help to the team. She continues to engage in a range of recreational and sporting activities and is looking for other jobs in the fitness industry where she can continue growing her skillset.  

For Ellen, having an inclusive workplace has allowed her to follow her passions, find meaningful work and develop the confidence to pursue new opportunities as they arise.

While work isn’t the only important facet of Ellen’s life, having inclusivity in the workplace ensures that Ellen can spend her time doing what she loves most.

The Inclusive Institute

We are committed to providing a wide range of support and resources for all individuals with Down syndrome, their families, carers, professionals, students, and the community at large. Our offerings include information, fact sheets, books, as well as access to our helpline via phone and email. Additionally, we maintain a comprehensive website and private social media groups for ongoing engagement and support. 

Our mission is to create a nurturing and empowering environment for everyone affected by Down syndrome. By fostering connections, providing resources, and promoting advocacy, we aim to empower individuals with Down syndrome and their families to lead fulfilling lives. 

Social Club Programs

We are dedicated to providing capacity building and community participation opportunities for adults with Down syndrome, enabling them to learn, engage, and connect. Our Up Club! and Up, Up and Away  programs focus on reducing isolation, fostering further education, skill-building, promoting independence, and assisting with future planning. 

At the heart of our programs is a deep commitment to the well-being and growth of every individual with Down syndrome. By providing opportunities for learning, socialisation, and skill development, we strive to create an inclusive society where all individuals can thrive and be valued for their unique contributions. 


Did you know?

  • 46% of women with cognitive disability have experienced sexual violence, compared to 16% of women without disability.
  • 25% of young people (yes 1 in 4) reported violence in the last year alone.
This is a key reason why Down Syndrome NSW is dedicated to advocating for individuals with Down Syndrome and intellectual disabilities. Every day, they are on the front lines, making sure their voices are amplified and challenging stereotypes, but we need your support to keep making a difference. 


Where does my donation go?

Your generous donation will help fund Down syndrome NSW's programs, advocacy, and information and support services to enhance the lives of individuals with Down syndrome.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes. Down Syndrome NSW is registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an Income Tax Exempt Charity: Charitable Fundraising Authority No. 11321.

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

How else can I contribute?

There are many ways you can get involved and help change the lives of people with Down syndrome and their families and carers.

Some examples are:

  • Fundraise
  • Volunteer
  • Participate in an event

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