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Provides a targeted communication message to educators providing them with valuable information and insights into better supporting students with Down syndrome.
Supports the creation of online fact sheets, serving as a crucial lifeline for numerous families during challenging times.
Can provide a Complex Care Support Call from one of our expert team members, who bring both professional expertise and personal experience as parents.
Contributes to advocacy efforts including collaborating with our members to enact meaningful change.
Enables the implementation of capacity-building workshops for educators, enhancing their understanding of Down syndrome and fostering better support for students.
Facilitates free workshops for families, covering topics such as school readiness, transitioning to high school, and exploring post-school possibilities.

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Tax Appeal

This tax season, help us to reach more families within the Down Syndrome Community! 

With a rising number of requests received by our Inclusive Education Team, we're reaching out to you for support to broaden our impact during this crucial period in families' lives. 

Contribute today, and we promise to keep you informed on how your donation has positively impacted lives.

All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible  

100% of funds go directly to services and supports for people with Down syndrome and their families 

This tax time why not make your donation a regular contribuition.

By making your donation a regular contribution, you join a committed group of supporters who fuel our mission every day.

Your recurring gift ensures stability and allows us to
plan for the future, ensuring that our programs and services can continue to grow and reach more individuals in need.

Click on the weekly or monthly tab when making your donation to join today. 

Elsden's School Journey

Elsden, a bright and spirited 7-year-old, embarked on her schooling adventure in 2023, filled with excitement. Her mother, Deb, shared in her daughter's enthusiasm but also had concerns swirling in her mind. Which school would be the best fit for Elsden? Would she make friends easily? These were questions that lingered, common worries for any parent. 


To ensure the best possible start for Elsden, Deb and Chris, her father, took proactive steps. They engaged with Down Syndrome NSW's school readiness programs, eager to equip themselves with the tools needed to support Elsden's transition to school. They attended community events hosted by Down Syndrome NSW, seeking opportunities for Elsden to connect with peers who were on a similar journey. 


The support from Down Syndrome NSW was invaluable. Armed with resources and guidance, Deb and Chris navigated the process of finding a school that embraced inclusion wholeheartedly. 


Their efforts paid off when they found a school that embodied their vision of inclusivity. Elsden was warmly welcomed into a community that valued diversity and embraced every child's potential. With the school's support, the family worked closely to develop personalised plans for each term, focusing on Elsden's strengths while addressing any challenges with positivity and determination. 


"Elsden talks about her friendships all the time," Deb proudly shared. "There hasn't been a day that she hasn't wanted to go to school." 


The journey was not without its obstacles, but with the unwavering support of her family and the school, Elsden thrived. She eagerly immersed herself in learning, participating enthusiastically in school activities, especially relishing her time singing in assembly and enjoying playtime with her newfound friends. 


Down Syndrome NSW provided a lifeline during a pivotal time in Elsden's life, offering not only practical assistance but also a sense of community and belonging. 


As Deb reflected on Elsden's journey, she summed it up beautifully: "It's more than just education—it's about belonging." 

Thank you to all our Tax Appeal 2024 supporters

Michael Harnett
Leonard Griffiths
Charbel Chaghoury
Margaret Tuiqerequere
Jeffery Sewell
Trevor Parmenter
John Williams
Mary O'Dwyer
Janette Hogg
Karen Schofield
David Smith
Mary Givney-Clark
Suzanne Schibeci
Sandra Earle
John Brunton
Michael Parker
Stephen Purss
Lena Henson
Gabriel Liu
Andrew Hinde
Emily Diamond
Lucy Vettom
Ann-Maree Watters
Phillip Shanahan
Stuart Blackley
John Haddock
John Haddock
Michele Bell
Catherine Faehrmann
Dianne Cook
Andrew Richardson
Mary Rogerson
Sean Melbourne
agnes forrai
Fiona May
Francis Brunato
Jenny Murdoch
Jenny Murdoch
Robert Rae
Anne Grogan
Gerard O'Dwyer
Christine Regan
Maria Wakefield
Jonathan Volker
Ann Dwyer
Rio Shibuya
Viki Demetriou
Lucy Ricardo
Tony Jovevski
Charbel Chaghoury
Saras Wati Swami
Elizabeth Noble
Maxene Hosie
Indunil Kumarasinghe
David Goldsmith
Fabrizia Trope
Prue Castleden


Where does my donation go?

Your generous donation will help fund Down syndrome NSW's programs, advocacy, and information and support services to enhance the lives of individuals with Down syndrome.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes. Down Syndrome NSW is registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an Income Tax Exempt Charity: Charitable Fundraising Authority No. 11321.

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

How else can I contribute?

There are many ways you can get involved and help change the lives of people with Down syndrome and their families and carers.

Some examples are:

  • Fundraise
  • Volunteer
  • Participate in an event

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